Long time no blog! I'm terribly sorry, London happened, then I got quite ill, and then I had a bit of a bad time personally. But ALL is well now, and I'm doing good.
London was UH-MAZING! I loved it so much, I can't even explain. I went up with my parents to watch Wicked and The Jersey Boys, they were both incredible! I am making it my main goal to get in to West London University now, my UCAS had some problems with student support and all that malarky, so I've amended it and it's been re-submitted, hopefully all goes well! But UWL is so my first choice!
I'd like to share with you all, my most treasured purchase!
My lovely Chelsea boots from le Topshop! £56 even with student discount, but they were just so perfect. I've been wanting them for SO long, payday just hasn't come quick enough!
Speaking of being paid, I am absolutely loving working for Oasis, everyone is so lovely and I'm really doing well. Getting lots of accounts and doing really well with sorting deliveries and helping customers, and my paycheck was to the tune of £456, not complaining one bit!So, WHO IS LOOKING FORWARD TO CHRISTMAS?! 25th today, the countdown is officially beginning!