I was nominated by the lovely Carly at Infinity Amour for The Liebster Award. So I want to thank her for her sweetness! This award is given to up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers. There are certain rules that apply for this award.
The person nominated must share 11 facts about themselves.
The person nominated must answer the questions the tagger (the person who nominated them) set for them.
The person nominated must choose 11 people to tag (nominate) and create 11 questions for them to answer.
Then they must go to their pages and let them know they were nominated!
There are no tag backs!
11 facts about me!
1. I am a musical theatre student, just finished my college diploma and am starting my degree at London's College of Music in September, living in Ealing! Absolutely cannot wait for it.
2. I have an acute liver condition, MCADD (if you wanted to find out more) basically effects my liver and the way I digest food, it doesn't really effect me if I eat right and stay healthy, but it's a strange condition no one seems to have heard of, haha!
3. I genuinely have no desire or intent to read 50 Shades of Grey or the other 2, sorry, I just don't care.
4. I am a size 6-8.
5. I work for Oasis in Plymouth, and I love it! It's such a friendly and loving company, always admiring your achievements and making you feel special when working for them, and such a lush clothing company, since working there I literally live in Oasis clothing, and with a 40% discount how can I not?
6. I used to work at Burger King, it was a nightmare.
7. I am addicted to watching To Catch A Predator.
8. The most expensive item I ever purchased was my chelsea boots from Topshop, and I paid £56, I don't like spending a lot on just one item, unless it's a bag or a pair of shoes I hate spending a lot for just one thing.
9. I love Nandos.
10. I live in Oasis Jade jeggings.
11. I do not care for Kristen Stewart.
And these are my questions from Carly:
Where would you like to be in 5 years time? Hopefully a West End performer.
What is your most proud moment in your life so far? Playing Fantine in a production of Les Misérables with my theatre company, we received reviews to rival West End productions and it was a lot of hard work that really paid off, a wonderful experience.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? My Jade jeggings from Oasis.
If you could only have one, what would you pick, your laptop or phone? Phone I guess, you seem to be able to get all the same things on your phone, and then you still have contact with the outside world.
If you could visit anywhere in the world where would it be? I want to go back to America, I went to Florida last time, but I was only 10 and I can only really remember the theme parks, I'd love to go to New York and appreciate the fashion and Broadway of course!
Have you ever met anyone famous? If yes who? and if no, who would you like to meet? I met Scouting for Girls after a gig in Plymouth, that's about it. I'd love to meet Idina Menzel, Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman.
What would you have as your 'Last Supper' ? An unlimited supply of Nandos? How incredible would that be...
What is your top 3 favorite clothing shops? Oasis, Topshop, Zara.
What is your favorite trend? For example the Aztec trend. PEPLUM! I am literally living in Peplum style at the moment, and I regret nothing!
What are your five 'Simple things you love' (For example I love that feeling of waking up in a morning and knowing you don't have to get out of bed!) Ooh, I think I'd have to agree with that! That feeling when you wake up at about 7, think you have to get up for work, then remember it's your day off! Then just roll over and fall gently back to sleep, perfect. I also love evenings with my family, tweed yes, but I love my family and I like it when we spend the evening watching a movie or some rubbish TV show and spend time just talking and bonding. I love it when I nail my nail art, leopard print especially, I feel an overreacted sense of achievement for the silliest thing! A new comment on one of my blog posts, hehe, I love the feedback and seeing that my little blog is getting noticed, and finally I think it's got to be the standard taking your shoes off after a long day at work, putting on your slippers and laying on the sofa for the rest of the night!
What is your favorite season? Spring, can be summery or wintery, you can take your pic, or you can merge the two!
I nominate:
Holly @ http://beautifulsimplicity-holziepink.blogspot.co.uk/
Lucy @ http://lucylovestoblog.blogspot.co.uk/
Natasha @ http://wildlrose.blogspot.co.uk/
Kate @ http://lillybelleaccessories.blogspot.co.uk/
Charmaine @ http://xfruitytooty.blogspot.co.uk/
Isobel @ http://isobelloves.blogspot.co.uk/
Fern @ http://fernlar.blogspot.co.uk/
Faye @ http://fayesfix.blogspot.co.uk/
Bethan @ http://ilestbeffun.blogspot.co.uk/
Emily @ http://dottedblazer.blogspot.co.uk/
Chelsey @ http://chelseyxlou.blogspot.co.uk/
And my 11 questions are:
1. What is your key item in your wardrobe?
2. What was your last holiday?
3. What is your favourite movie?
4. If you had to, which would you rather be, blind or deaf?
5. What is your favourite trend?
6. In 3 words, describe your style?
7. High street or designer?
8. What is your favourite store and why?
9. Your having a bad hair day, what do you normally do?
10. Summer or Winter?
11. You have a day off, what do you spend it doing?
I'd love if you gave me the link to your Leibster post in the comments below!
Lots of love ladies!